787 Dreamliner

Aircraft Summary
The 787 Dreamliner has changed the world of aviation. From being one of the world's most efficient airplanes to being much more luxurious, this aircraft has caught the eyes of billions of people around the world. It stands out in front of many other planes because of it's unique engines, its special wing curve, and it's ability to be much more quiet. The material used for this aircraft is the world's most lightest yet strongest material used for aviation. The engines are so strong, the 787 can takeoff vertically with no problem at all! There are thousands of features that makes the Dreamliner incredible. It has changed the world of aviation, and has inspired others to become pilots, to work for airports, or some other job related with aircraft. The Dreamliner has truly gave a big effect on the world, that flying can get much more better, not just for the passengers, but also for the planet.
I would also like to mention that, if someone from Boeing is reading this, I would just like to say that I love you. Boeing, your airplanes are incredible. When I get older, I would like to work for you, to help manufacture your future airplanes.
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