787 Dreamliner

Passenger/Crew experience, and Marketing
People around the world say the 787 is the best plane ever! It has a very luxurious cabin, with plenty of legroom, headroom, and an room for awesomeness! But it's not just the passengers that are happy. Even the crew feel like it's a very luxurious plane. There is a very spacious rest place for the pilots and the flight assistants. Plus, flying the 787 is also much easier! A new design in the pilot view panel tells them exactly where to fly, what pitch to point the nose, and where exactly is the runway. Also, the 787 opened up hundreds of new routes! It costs 30% less to maintain, and 15% less to operate this airplane than other ones! Since it costs less to run the 787, it's flights would cost less, making the passengers happier. It also costs less to build this plane. 64 airlines together order 1155 787's, and this number will further increase! The 787 Dreamliner is truly a luxurious airplane of your dreams!